Sciarpa triangolare all'uncinetto | Triangle scarf crochet free Pattern

Salve a tutti! Sono rientrata da poco dalle vacanze estive e questa sciarpa triangolare all'uncinetto, complice anche l'aria fresca di questi giorni, è il primo progetto che ho terminato.
E' davvero semplicissima da realizzare, adatta anche ai principianti dato che i punti impiegati sono solo tre:

Cerchio magico
Maglia alta

Che ve ne pare? Io personalmente l'adoro!

Per scaricare il pattern in PDF da salvare e/o stampare cliccate su "download pattern". E' il primo schema che "scrivo" attraverso i simboli ed è mezzo sbilenco, ma spero comunque sia chiaro. Se qualcosa vi sfugge lasciate pure un commento sotto al post oppure contattatemi sulla mia pagina Facebook "Le Arti di Minerva".

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Hi! I came back from summer Holidays and this triangle scarf is the fist project I finished.
It's really easy to make even for beginners as it's made with only 3 stitches:

Magic Ring
Double crochet

What do you think about it? I think it's lovely :D 
For the downloadable pdf file click on "Download pattern"

To make this beautiful scarf I got inspiration from some pictures on the web and one in particular:

You can find the pattern on Zooty Owl's Crafty blog: 

PS. Zooty Olw authorized me to publish her picture.

This is the first pattern I wrote with crochet symbols and it's a bit twisted, but I hope it's clear. If it's not, and you have doubts, leave a message or contact me on my Facebook : Le arti di Minerva.

10 commenti:

  1. I have compared yours to Zooty Owls. I'm sure this will be resolved easily. Although the two start out similarly, it doesn't look to me like they are the same pattern at all. Making a triangle scarf out of self-striping yarn isn't a copyright infringement. That they look similar looks to be a coincidence.

    1. Thank you so much Crochetkim! Your words encourage me! I feel really uncomfortable in this situation. I sent a message to Zooty Owls (I heard about her/him today for the first time) explaining the situation and asking her/him to take a look at my pattern. I think that triangle scarves are just triangle... they look all similar! A big kiss and when you want to come to visit my blog, you're welcome!

    2. I believe that you've changed the blog post since I commented so I just wanted to caution against using the Zooty Owl photo without permission. That is illegal. If you have received permission, I suggest that you make sure to note that you are using the photo with permission.

    3. Hi CrochetKim! As I told you, I contacted Zooty Owl to explain the situation. At the end on the conversation I could have done nothing as my pattern is similar, but not the same. I decided to refer to her picture because I always get inspiration from PICTURES that for me are one of the most important thing. I asked her the permission to put her image on my blog (I didn't save the pic, it's an URL from her blog) and she said that it would have been a friendly solution. Do you think I have to specify near the picture that I have permission?

    4. Yes, if it were me, given the situation and people contacting you, I would probably just post a little statement about the permission.

  2. thank you for all your advices CrochetKim! I am a young blogger and I need them!!! I think I'll do it!

  3. Ciao la sciarpa è bellissima complometti! Per quanto riguarda il filato mi sai dire com'è? Cioè lana o cotone? Ed è un gomitolo che cambia colore oppure vari gomitoli? Grazie mille!!

    1. Ciao Marta e grazie mille :) Il filato che ho utilizzato per questa sciarpa è lana abbastanza sottile (ma viene bene anche con cotone spesso) ed è un gomitolo sfumato! Fammi sapere se sono stata chiara o se hai bisogno di altre spiegazioni! Un bacione :)



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