Orchidea all'uncinetto | How to crochet an orchid

Buongiorno a tutti! Oggi vi propongo un nuovo progetto! Una deliziosa orchidea all'uncinetto :D Io le considero, senza dubbio, tra i fiori più belli e affascinanti... l'unico inconveniente è che sono abbastanza difficili da curare (tutte quelle che ho avuto sono morte stecchite nel giro di poche settimane :( )

Hi! Today I want to show you a new project: A crocheted orchid! I found theese flower beautiful, but I've never been able to keep them alive :( This is the reason why I decided to crochet them :D 

Sono molto soddisfatta del risultato finale e spero che piacciano anche a voi! Lo schema è abbastanza semplice, di seguito trovate due video in cui vi spiego come realizzarne una tutta vostra :)
Spero che sia tutto chiaro, lasciate un commento per farmi sapere che cosa ne pensate e per restare aggiornati su tutti i miei lavori, seguite la mia pagina facebook : MaryJ Handmade

I'm really satisfied with the end result, and I hope you like it too! The pattern is quite easy to follow. Below you can find 2 videos where I show you how to crochet the orchid :) I hope that everything is clear and understandable. Please, let me know what you think about it, leaving a comment!
If you want to keep up to date, please, follow my blog and like my Facebook page: MaryJ Handmade - English Page

Tutorial Italiano

Prima parte

Seconda parte

English tutorial

Part 1

Part 2

Written pattern in English: 


R.1: Make a magic loop and work: *15ch, 14sc, 1sc into the magic loop* x3
       Pull the tail to close the magic loop

R.2: *Side 1: 1sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 4trc, 2dc, 2hdc, 1sc, 1sc into the loop at the top     of your work.
         Side 2: , 1sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 4trc, 2dc, 2hdc, 1sc, 1slip stitch* x3

Sc all around the sepals incorporating the wire.      

Petals: (x 2)

R.1: 15ch
       Side 1: 1sc, 2hdc, 3dc, 5trc, 1dc, 1hdc, 3sc in 1stitch,
       Side 2: 1hdc, 1dc, 5trc, 3dc, 2hdc, 1sc

R.2: Side 1: 1ch, 3sc, 3hdc, *2dc in 1 stitch, 1dc* x2, 2dc in 1 stitch, 2hdc, 1sc,       2sc in 1 stitch,
       Side 2: 1sc, 2hdc, *2dc in1 stitch, 1dc* x2, 2dc in 1 stitch, 3hdc, 3sc

Sc all around the petals incorporating the wire

The lip:  

R.1: Magic loop with  6sc in it

R.2-3: 1sc in each stitch (6sc)

  R.4: 11ch, 10sc, 1slip stitch, fasten off.

R.5: change color, insert the hook in the 4th sc and work:
(5ch, 4 quadruple crochet tog, 6ch, 1slip stitch) into the same stitch,
2sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1trc, 1dc, 3hdc into the same stitch (side loop), 1dc, 1trc, 1dc, 1hdc, 2sc, (1slip stitch, 5ch, 4 quadruple crochet tog, 6ch, 1slip stitch) into the same stitch, fasten off
  insert the wire in the lip

The buds:

Petal x 3:

R.1: Side 1: 2sc, 2hdc, 1sc, 5dc in 1stitch,
       Side 2: 1dc, 2hdc, 2sc, 1sc into the side loop
R.2: Side1: 1sc, 4hdc, 2hdc in 1 stitch, 2dc in 1stitch, 3dc in 1 stitch,
       Side 2: 2dc in 1 stitch, 2hdc in 1 stitch, 4hdc, 1sc 

  Sc all around the petals incorporating the wire

The leaves: x 2

R.1: Side 1: 2sc, 3hdc, 5dc, 20trc, 7dc, 2hdc, 3hdc in 1 stitch,
       Side2: 2hdc, 7dc, 20trc, 5dc, 3hdc, 2sc, 3sc in 1 stitch

R.2 Side 1: 2sc, 8hdc, *4dc, 2dc in1 stitch* x4, 6hdc, 4sc, 3sc in 1 stitch,
      Side 2: 4sc, 6hdc, *4dc, 2dc in1 stitch* x4, 8hdc, 2sc

Sc all around the leaves incorporating the wire

48 commenti:

  1. ho realizzato la tua orchidea e la stella di Natale. sono molto soddisfatta del risultato ottenuto.

    1. Grazie Flora, sono felice ti sia trovata bene con i miei schemi! Se ti fa piacere, inviami delle foto via email o su facebook! Sono curiosissima di vedere i tuoi lavori! Un bacione :)

  2. May I translate the design into Danish and post it on my blog. Many People here om Denmark would like to crochet the Orchids bur need the design in danish

    1. Hi Linda, I'm sorry I didn't read your comment! Sure, You can traslate in into Danish! Please, let me know when you publish it :)

    2. Hej Linda. . Har du oversat til dansk???☺

    3. Hej Linda. . Har du oversat til dansk???☺

    4. Hej Linda. jeg er også interesseret i en dansk opskrift

  3. Would you be able to tell me what type of cotton you used with the 1.75 mm hook? Was it crochet thread or just a thinner yarn?

  4. This is so beautiful, thank you! I made it as a gift for my grandmother.

    1. I'm so happy to hear that Christine! I'd love to see a picture of your work :)

  5. do you have a written pattern in english anywhere? thanks and your facebook pages no longer exist! :(

    1. Hi Cindy, you're right! I'm so sorry, I just update the facebook page link and addes the written pattern in English too! Let me know if everythig is ok :)

  6. hi. thanks for your pattern. it is very beautiful. i started crocheting one for my mother in law. she loves orchids and crochet so it is the perfect gift for her birthday. i have problems finding a proper wire...i will send you some pics when i will finish. thanks again and all the best. ligia from romania

  7. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  8. Hi!, would you be so kind to tell me the size/gauge (diametro dei cavi) of the wire to be used? grazie in anticipo!

  9. This Orchid is so beautiful, thank you! I'm making it as a gift for mother's day. *^_^*

  10. Thank you so much.....Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year

  11. Thanks for the pattern :)
    making it for my grandma

  12. how did you add in the orange to the middle of the lip?

  13. buon giorno come si legge lo schema? :P

  14. c è in italiano..oltre al video

  15. Bonjour,
    C'est dommage que ton tuto n'est pas en anglais et vous aussi plusieurs couleurs de pétales. Avec quel fil as tu travaillé ? Pourquoi on te vous faire des feuilles et quelles ne sont pas mises sur la fleur ? Sinon bravo pour ton travail.

  16. What size neddle do you use to the lip?

  17. I love your designs! Thank you for sharing this gorgeous orchid :)

  18. Hi, love your work and how good your tutorials are. Could you please tell us what size wire did you use for the Orquid? Thanks for any help.

  19. Ciao, complimenti... Suggerire i di scrivere lo schema anche in italiano ;)

  20. Ciao sto facendo l orchidea ma delle foglie cosa me ne faccio?non c'è più nessuna traccia di dove vadano.. grazie

  21. Me ha gustado mucho si pudieran poner el patron en español , GRACIAS

  22. Can I translate this in finnish into my blog? :)

  23. beautiful-easy to follow-I made mine purple.Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  24. Ciao sto realizzando l'orchidea seguendo il tuo fantastico tutorial. Però mi chiedevo, siccome devo acquistare il filo metallico, quale mi consiglieresti? Che tipo di spessore?
    Grazie e complimenti

  25. Hello, would you be ok for the finished pieces made from your pattern to be sold? Thank you.

  26. Beautiful....thank you for the pattern, I can't wait to make these beautiful orchids

  27. Sono alle mie primissime armi... Vorrei osare con questa bellissima orchidea. Oltre a seguire il tutorial vorrei seguire anche con uno schema scritto ma purtroppo c'è solo in inglese. Potresti darmi i punti da seguire per iscritto? Grazie mille

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  29. Buonasera, sono a chiedere se gentilmente ha lo schema anche in italiano. Grazie mille.

  30. Ciao mi piacerebbe fare l orchidea ai ferri, ho bisogno di un consiglio. Ho del cotone numero 12 con che numero di ferri posso lavorarlo? Se lo metto doppio può venire bene o no? Complimenti sei bravissima. Grazie

  31. Mi sono sbagliata a scrivere invece di uncinetto ho scritto ferri. 🤭


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  34. Thank you MJH for the beautiful pattern n step by step tutorial in English.
    I decided to use 3.75mm with regular yarn thickness instead n made up my own orange centre. I also added on the leaves from your tutorial that wasn’t on your finished article, but other than that, it was a lovely experience. I made it in one day for a friend. Thank you again.

  35. How much yards did u use? Orchids are my moms favorite flower and I would love to make her one.

  36. What a fantastic pattern thank you. Can I ask what did you use to support the plant in the pot before the stones?



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